Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Veteran's Day

My, oh my. Time sure does fly!

Many things have happened since we last blogged. We have studied aquatic insects and hosted an aquatic insect fair! We have tested water chemistry in Bear Creek. We have measured stream flow (though we lost the paper that has the stream depths written on it, so we cannot calculate the stream flow!), and we have had many laughs. We have even walked to the library and stopped for hot chocolate on our way home!

Veteran's day is tomorrow. It is supposed to be a day for taking time to honor people who have served in the United State's armed forces, like the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marines. These are people who have served our country by giving their time to our national defense system.

There are other ways to serve our country and this land, as well. For example, I have helped restore an area called the Ashland Pond with a group that I've worked with in the past here in Ashland. I have taught students how to restore a riparian area in Portland, taking out blackberry and planting trees, returning in the blazing heat of summer to offer them water. I have participated in clean-ups that have me picking up trash in many different areas.

I enjoy helping our planet and its small ecosystems. I feel good about myself when I know I have helped out in some way.

What is a way that you have helped out and offered your own services to someone or something else? Describe the situation and how it made you feel.

Have fun!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fall has arrived!

Ah, the season is upon us. This is my favorite season of the year! I would like you to comment and tell me about what you like about fall. Please try to make your comments longer than they have been. For this post, make your comments at least 4 sentences long, so you can tell me a little more detail about what you like.

One of my favorite things about fall is the weather. I love the crispness of the morning, and the possibility of warmth that might come later in the day. In the fall, my kids are cozy in the morning, and there is a significant amount of snuggling that happens as we gather together for warmth as we wake up! Another favorite thing for me is the smell of spiced apple cider. This warm and lovely drink makes me feel so content and happy with its simple sweetness. At the end of the day, I think the stars in the fall are brilliant and bright, the sky is clear so I can see them well, and the moon seems extra huge. I love everything about being outside in the fall!

I'm looking forward to hearing about what you love about this season!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

A favorite piece of clothing.

Hello Jubilee! I'm going to offer this post as another place to practice using the comments section. I am going to give you a topic, though!

Tell me about a favorite piece of clothing, past or present. Think of why this piece of clothing is so special and important to you. Did you wear it somewhere special? Did you get it from somewhere or someone special?

Looking forward to hearing about it!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fire and Water

Yesterday was an exciting day for many Ashlanders! We had a fire in town, and we all could smell the smoke. I like the smell, in a way--it reminds me of a campfire!

Meanwhile, we are studying water in our 4th grade core class. We have spent a few days getting in the water and picking up aquatic insects, small and large.

Students, please practice writing on the blog by providing your thoughts on our first days studying water. What have you enjoyed about our time in the creek? What is something new you have learned?

Remember, sign using your first name only! Use the anonymous tab and then write your name at the bottom of your comment. I'm looking forward to hearing from all of you!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Week One

On our second day of class, we made it down to the creek for some berry-picking (and eating!) and creek observations. The kids did a great job of lining up in order of their birthdays IN SILENCE! I am really enjoying getting to know everybody, and loved the "Bag of Me" insights into their lives beyond the classroom.

I've uploaded some photos from the second day, and will hopefully continue to upload photos throughout the year. Click here to see them! (They're the same ones that are showing on the embedded video.)

See you on Tuesday, and I look forward to reading all of the letters!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Welcome back to school!!

Hello Willow Wind 4th Graders!

I hope that you have had a fabulous summer, and are ready to rock and roll right into 4th grade! We are set up to have a really good time and learn as much as humanly possible in our time together.

My kids and I have had a great summer, swimming in pools and lakes and rivers--we are so lucky to live in this beautiful part of the state!

I would like to invite you to introduce yourselves on this blog. You can write me a note using the "comments section," and practice this blogging thing. Please sign with your FIRST NAME ONLY, but do sign with your name so I know who's writing! If you don't have a gmail account, you can post anonymously and sign your name in the same place as your message.

I am looking forward to meeting you and having a great year together!

Your water-loving teacher,